Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Make Your Business a GAME


A fun, safe place to send your prospects to play RAD.

Then have them watch a short Efusjon video at:
or listen to one of Loren Middag’s powerful conference
calls at: http://efusjon.com/events.asp for more info
and a fantastic income opportunity club that’s changing
the way people make money from home. Then follow
up and see who else wants to PLAY in the “Club”
with us. :~)

Now, see how many prospects you can get thru is
fun and simple system, as fast as you can. Make it
a game, have fun. Oh yeah, and MAKE MONEY!

SAMPLE > "Welcome to our Efusjon team" email

Hey, here’s a sample of an email you can send to your new Efusjon business partners. Edit as you wish or don’t use at all. Remember, you need to “call” them as well. That’s where the business partnership gets strong.


Welcome to our Efusjon team. I’m looking forward to working together and creating much success. Let’s get started.

You can use these no-cost “marketing” pages my business partner, Nick Hetcher set up for us to use to pre-sell the Efusjon opportunity. They are similar in content, just get the prospect to make “sure” to at least watch the short movie. Then to get back to you if they are interested. This system is works well. Then, get them on a 3-way call with somebody in your upline if necessary. Pretty SIMPLE deal, don’t complicate it. As you talk with them, make sure to create
a little URGENCY!! Don’t freak them out, but be excited! :~)

http://www.youmeand3.com/ or http://www.hottesttrend.info/ and http://www.debtslammers.com/ All are a little different and send the people back to the person who referred them.

I’m here to help you build this in a big way. Use me.

WANT SUCCESS? Remember this if you remember anything…the most important thing you can do is to PROSPECT. Start “today” by getting your first 3 to join our team. Get as many people as you can DAILY to watch the videos. Then, follow up with them.

You can send this information to your new business partners if you like.




> Marketing Support Website > http://clubed.us/

> Marketing Tips Blog > http://www.betternetworker.info/

> Here are marketing sites Nick built for you to send your prospects to > http://www.debtslammers.com/, http://www.hottesttrend.info/ and http://www.youmeand3.com/ (no cost to use, refers them back to you)

> Need help finding new prospects? Here’s Nick’s 114 page manual (no cost) called, “Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects.” Here’s the direct link for ya. http://bit.ly/xJYFt

> I’m here to help with your 3-way calls. Please make sure your prospect has already at least seen a video or live presentation “before” we chat.


Monday, July 27, 2009

An Energy SHOT? (What's Next?)

Take 16 minutes and listen to the updates happening at Efusjon. Like, we’re headed to Canada, new products coming soon, and then others like an Energy SHOT (like 5-Hour Energy), really cool viral videos and more! You are in the right company. Check out today’s call now: http://efusjon.com/events.asp

BEST (Cheapest 2) Place to Host Your Websites

The BEST (Cheapest too) Place to Host Your Websites. Click Banner Below.affiliate_link

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Business Opportunity Calls

Efusjon Business Opportunity Conference Calls Help You Build a Business Faster!

There are Efusjon Business Opportunity Calls (usually) Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights @ 6 pm PST (8 CST, 9 EST). CALL: 712- 432-1001 (code: 417 049 192 #)

Let the #1 income earner at Efusjon help you build your team just like he did his 30,000+ in his first full 5 months, by conference calls like these.

Make sure to be there, tell your team, but……More Importantly > Bring a Couple Guests! Let
the pros present the business opportunity for you.
Hey “E” Gang…

Old School Marketing: (meetings, parties, and the like)
New School Marketing: (Internet and social media stuff)

So, the $64,000 question. Does “Old School” marketing still work these days?

I think you know the answer already, and it is OF COURSE it works, ”if” it’s done right.

See, I think you should do what fits your personality best. Sure, experiment with new stuff (or old stuff) to continue to grow your marketing “bag-o-tricks,” but do what you like doing to build your business, let others do what they like. Find ways to blend them together.

QUICK STORY: (to those who think old school is out.

I know two guys. One a new school top pro that has trained “thousands” of people to build an m.l.m. business online with videos. I interviewed him (Jonathan Budd) for my http://twitterbreak.com/ website recently and learned a few things. Let’s just talk “numbers” in this story. In his first 5 months with his current m.l.m company, this stud built a team of 1,900 in his Genewize business. This is fantastic.

Now to the old schooler. This guy, (Nonoy) has never built a huge network or income. He has built his Efusjon team to over 3,000 in his first 2 full months. HELLO!!! He builds thru home meetings (parties). The “old” school way. Now, some of his team I’m sure are building new school but many are doing it thru old school marketing. See how this m.l.m. “nobody” SMASHED the superstar new schooler, with his little home parties that many new schoolers laugh at. This is not an islolated thing either.

Why does old school still work? Simple. It still works because this is a “PEOPLE” business and
there’s always something fun and special about getting together. IF you make it fun and special
and your opportunity is great like Efusjon.

My point is this…Don’t laugh at what other people are doing if it’s working. Do what WORKS!!

What works best is a “combination” of both.

Think about it. Should YOU be doing a “home party?” Should you be doing more “oneline” marketing?

With the games like RAD and EWorld and other online tools coming out, it will be even easier to build a business online, but don’t forget, old school is still in session and ALWAYS will be.

Nick Hetcher

P.S. If you need more ways to find new prospects, why not read my prospecting book (no cost), “Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects.” Here’s the direct link: http://bit.ly/xJYFt

Are YOU Using SKYPE?

Hey guys…

A great and (fast) way to communicate
in “real-time” with me is by Skype.

Since I can’t always get your phone
call or return calls immediately…Skype
is a great, efficient alternative.

You can set up a f.ree account at

Then put me on your contact list.
My ID is: NixTheNews

FOX News Video on the "Powerful" Acai Berry

Hey”E” Gang…

Here’s an interesting (88 second video) FOX newscast on the power of the Acai Berry (the primary ingredient in our Efusjon drinks). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwX1IO9EiyM

What do you think? Think we have something POWERFUL? You bet yer booties we do. And, it’s a ”consumable” product, meaning money rolling in month after month.

Don't Get Caught in Public with the Cape and Leotards

Hey “E” Gang…

Are YOU up to the task of giving your family “Time” and “Financial” …….FREEDOM?

You know, like being able to wake up when you’re done sleeping, not when the alarm clock goes off before dawn.

If so, remember this. It takes ACTION.

And, if you want to earn a LOT of money this next year, and on-going “RESIDUAL” income for years to come – it will take Massive, Focuses and Consistent ACTION over time. (that’s with any business model, I just think we have one of the best in Efusjon).

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Be like Ironman, Superman, Batman and Spiderman. Be an ACTION figure hero. Your family and friends will love the new you. Make sure, however, not to get caught wearing your super-hero cape and leotards in public. That may be harmful to your business. ;~)

"Are You Completely Out of Your Mind?"

STOP the Excuses, PLEASE

It blows me away when people who actually want to earn money from a network marketing business, tell me they don’t know where to find prospects.

Whiner: “I just don’t know WHO I could talk to about a business opportunity.”

I’m thinking (and sometimes my audible answer is):

“WHAT? Are you completely out of your mind? I don’t know who NOT to talk to about a great business they can earn money from in their spare time working from home. HELLO.”

OK, maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but you get my point, I hope.

If you (or your team) ever struggles from the “where can I find prospects” syndrome, I have some help.

I wrote a 114 page manual called, “Over 250 Ways to Find New PROSPECTS,” and you can get it for no cost at my direct link (no advertising on this page) at > www.bit.ly/xJYFt

There ya go, no more excuses. :~) Read it, find 6 to 12 ways that you like and then TAKE ACTION!!

Be the Leader You Know You Are…Not the Goof-Off you don’t want to be.

WANT SUCCESS? > Become a Master "INVITER"

Hey E Gang…

As you can see, I try NOT to write long-winded articles. I want you to read these, apply the things you like and come back for more. That's why I try my best to cut out the fluff (most of the time).

OK, let get to today's tip.

If you’re in this “E” biz to earn money, FIND YOUR “3” ASAP! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

As you know, when you purchase your own product monthly and have 3 who do, you are qualified to earn all commissions. Of course you should try and get far more than 3 if you want to make really good money, but start with those first 3 committed business partners.

Apply this tip and you'll realize success much faster...

Don’t "SELL." Selling is for the retail world, not network marketing.

In this world, you want to use the presentations like the DVD's, CD's, websites, webinars, live meetings and parties, etc. to do your hard work for you.

DO YOU REALLY WANT SUCCESS? Instead of selling, you want to become what I like to call a MASTER “INVITER.” Invite as many people as you can to the business opportunity presentations. Find team members who will do this same simple strategy. It works!!

The people who invite (and follow-up with) the most "interested" prospects usually make the most money in this industry. If you're not making much money in 3 to 6 months, my question to you would be, "how many people are you inviting to see the opportunity every day? Week? Month?" If it's a low number, don't expect to make any kind of real money!

Check this out: http://www.efusjonenergyclub.com/flv/stimulus.html

The "3" MOST Important Things You Can Do for Success

The "3" MOST Important Things You Can Do for Success are...




Once that really sinks in and you “commit” to take Massive ACTION, success cannot hide from you. But, you cannot quit too soon. Don't get discouraged. This (like any real business) takes time and consistent effort!).
If you think you're gonna "get rich quick" here, then you're in the wrong business. There is NOT SUCH ANIMAL!! It takes WORK. But relax, it can (and should) be FUN!!

Did you get your first “3” yet? If not, why not? How bad do you really want success?

So let me encourage you to PROSPECT, PROSPECT, PROSPECT!!

Say you can't find prospects. Let me help. Find a few ways that will work for you, from a 114 page manual I wrote called, "Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects." Many won't cost you a dime. Here's the direct link: http://bit.ly/xJYFt

How 3 People Becomes 3,279 in 7 Months!

Here's How 3 People Can Become 3,279 in 7 Months!

My 6 minute audio shows you how to build a Massive Team in 7 Months!

It’s all about COMMITMENT! If you don't commit and follow thru and your team doesn't commit and follow thru, don't expect these results.





Do I really need to say more?


Here are a few marketing websites I built for you to use if you want. Simply send your prospects to any of them (they are all a little different) and it refers them back to you. They are free to use.

http://HottestTrend.info/ (This one is NOT ".com")

