Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to ClubED

Welcome to "ClubED." (ED = "Energy Drink").

You know, like "Club Med."

Yeah, I know, not too catchy but hey, it's better than "The Energy Drink Club for Winners and Such," or "Energy Drinks R US," or "Energy Drinks Rock," or "Don't Spill That Energy Drink on Me or I'll Bash Your Teeth Out Buster."

OK, maybe it's not better than those, but it's all I could come up with. Actually, my wife came up with the name and I liked it. So talk to her if you've got a problem. And, good luck with that. :~) this blog you'll find some stuff that should be helpful to you in creating a nice lifestyle and to meet your goals, whatever they may be. Well, maybe not to marry the King of Spain or something crazy like that but you get my drift.

"Get my drift." Gee, I'm starting to talk like the 70's kind of guy I. Lucky you.

As you can see, I'm a lot like your typical network marketer. I come to you as "me," and if you don't like that, well then, tell me and I'll change just for little 'ol you...NOT. (Just kidding with ya here. )

Still love me? OK, I'll get serious here.

What I will be adding to this here blog, will be some things (I like to call those "things," Tips and Ideas) that can be helpful in your journey to financial freedom. Or just earning some extra money every month for "whatever." Or maybe just to grow more in your personal life by the exhilaration of owning your own business.

I'm going to keep this blog "generic." Meaning, ANYBODY can come here and no be afraid of me
"pitching" something or trying to steal their downline. I'm sure I'll get accused of that in other places. LOL. I do try to keep my business as clean as possible but you will always tick "somebody" off. Such is life.

So, welcome and I hope you enjoy my rants, tips and ideas and that "your Efusjon business meets all of your wildest dreams." (stolen from Pedro of Napoleon Dynamite. Love that guy).

Nick Hetcher (ClubEd Blog)

P.S. I'm aware that Efusjon will offer "other" (possibly non-drink) products in the future, however, ClubED rhymed with ClubMed and sounded cool to me so that's why I went with it. :~)